Visit with the Easter Bunny @ Yankee Candle Village

Every Saturday Until March 31st, 2024 03/16/2024 12:00pm–03/17/2024 2:00pm

Visit with the Easter Bunny @ Yankee Candle Village

Starting Saturday March 16th  the Easter Bunny will be at Yankee Candle Village from 12:00 PM to 2:00 pm on the following three weekends.

Saturday & Sunday, March 16th & 17th

Saturday & Sunday, March 23rd & 24th

Saturday & Sunday, March 29th & 30th

Visits are free.

No appointment necessary

Remember your camera to take that great family photo.

Remember the Saturday, March 23rd is the Easter Parade at 11:00 AM

Make sure to stick around after the parade for a fun-filled day of activities.