Whether your visiting from the city or suburbs or a local resident, a farmers' market is not too far from you. From now until late fall, you can find local growers set up with their canopies and colorful displays of just-harvested fruits and vegetables in town squares, parks. At many farmers' markets you will also find an array of other farm products, including baked goods, jams and jellies, maple products, honey, farmstead cheeses, flowers, turkey products and eggs and some with other crafters.The festive atmosphere and fresh food will certainly please all your senses.
Who's at the market: Atheton Farm & Johnson Hill Farm (Buckland), Bearswamp Orchards (Ashfield), Bloody Brook Farm (South Deerfield), Fairweather Farm (Worthington), Louise's Old Glory Gardner & Lyonsville Valley Farm (Colrain), Open View Farm (Conway), Pitchfork Farm (Shelburne) & Windy Ridge Farm (Hawley)