Margaret Lloyd: Wings of the Wind

Margaret Lloyd: Wings of the Wind Painter and poet Margaret Lloyd’s oil paintings are largely inspired by her Welsh heritage and the landscapes of Western Massachusetts, where she currently resides.  In Lloyd’s most recent series, Wings of the Wind, she is, in the artist’s own words, “searching for and forging the places that finally emerge—the wild expanse of sea, of sky and wind, of land—the ancient world, loved places, internal landscapes.”

Margaret Lloyd attended the University of Rochester as an undergraduate and received her Ph.D. at the University of Leeds, England, working under the supervision of the poet Geoffrey Hill. A poet and painter, she lives in Florence, Massachusetts, and is Professor Emeritus of English at Springfield College.
Her poetry has appeared widely in journals and anthologies and she has received several awards, fellowships, and residencies. As a visual artist, Lloyd began as watercolor painter, then moved into working with slate, and is now immersed in painting with oil. She has held several exhibitions, as well as published paintings and painting/poem pairs in journals, nationally and internationally.