Event Submission

Have an event that you want to share? First, make sure it is not already listed (we pull in events from a variety of places). Then, use the form below to send us the details. We moderate these submissions, so if your event does not show up immediately, be patient!

Enter the start date for this event here.
Note: If your event is recurring, enter the end date for the first instance of this event, then enter the number of recurrences and interval below.
Is this event recurring?
Does this event happen multiple times, i.e. every week at a certain time? Note that if the times differ or the dates are not consistent, you should submit a separate event.
Enter the number of additional times it repeats not including the first occurrence. For example, if the event runs every week for 10 consecutive weeks, enter 9 here and select 'Weeks' as the interval.
Enter the number and select the time period the event will repeat, i.e. 1 week, 2 months, etc.
Be sure to include the 'https://' in the link.
Be sure to include the 'https://' in the link.


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